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Final decison is Parasound
#83185 02/27/05 08:25 PM
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Before I report my experience with the two B&K systems and the Parasound one that I auditioned for several hours yesterday, thought I would give a bit of the back ground as to why my HTsystem has become more of an addiction lately.
Back on 12/16/05 I had a heart attack, and well being in the hospital for a few days, I made the decision, that I was going to change some priorities, and start doing more things just for me. <g> In the mid 80's I invested about $ 25k into a audio/video system, and the power system was all Tandberg, it was far from inexpensive, but I used it for over 12 years, and when I sold it in 1996, I actually had a 72% return on the original investment, and not one single problem with the system in all those years of use. I doubt this will ever happen again. <g>
Once home from the hospital and recovering, spent a lot of time researching for upgrades to the existing system, and in a week or two, started ordering new toys, the Sony 60" HDTV was the first to arrive, then the Axioms and the Outlaws.
So when I started having the Outlaw issue and it started to take more and more time to trouble shoot, I was thinking this sucks, and started to research a new power system. Here are the main requirements of the new power system that was complied over the time.

1) Budget/Quality : well not being overly wealthy, quality was going to be first, not that spending more always assures better quality.

2) Product Support : this time I wanted to avoid tech service over phones, and UPS/FedEx shipping and possible more damage to products if service was needed.

3) Multi Channel Amps: There are conflicting reports to pros/cons of 7 channel amps, but I had decided I needed separate amps this next time around, minimum was a 5 channel and a 2 channel, mono blocks were also a contender.

4) Amp Cooling: with the current set up, heat has become one of my main concerns, and have decided I want the heat sinks external to the amps.

5) Wattage: With my db listening area ranges, and future changes in speaker locations, or speaker brand changes, I wanted to have equal wattage to all 7 channels.

6) Investment/ Aesthetics: If I needed to invest a larger portion of the HT budget to the power system, than I wanted the new units to show it. <g>

7) Used/New: Because of the long term investment and warranties, e-tailers and used were eventually ruled out. I have purchased both for years on the web, and never had an issue, but since the health issues, I do try to eliminate stress as much as I can. <g>

So with the above thoughts I once again began the research of the half a dozen or so that I had in mind. Over 3 weeks of reading reviews, forums, and talking to people that have made similar investments, the search started to show that no matter which brand, I was getting into the $ 6 - 7 thousand range.

Living where I do, and not wanting to spend time driving a great distance, it was rather a limited choice as to brands. Eventually I had B&K and Parasound, as the main choices. Well B&K did not have all of the above requirements, It was looking as a good choice, especially at the cost factor, was a real bargain for the price.

I talked with B&K techs, very helpful people, and after hearing my concerns and issues with the Outlaw system, they assured me the Reference 200.7 would handle the Axiom with no problems. After hearing this, I contacted two dealers in the area, to see what models were available for audition. neither had the ones I was interested in, but did have the Reference 200.5 and the Reference 50 S2. So I figured that was close enough, and went out yesterday to take a listen.

Well it was rather a disappointment as to the speakers that were being used in both dealers auditioning rooms. Both are more of a HT selling store, and have the HT rooms built so you do not see any of the equipment or speakers. All speakers are recessed into the walls or celings, and well both used a real channel speaker and sub, these two are in the front wall to wall cabinet, behind doors with grills.

As for brand of speakers, subs, don't ask, I did not take notes as I had never heard of any of them, and as for quality of sound, this was not going to do the B&K Reference units any justice at all. Even with the speaker system it was not a waste, the Reference line was impressive, and did run very cool, but then again, no real load on then either.

So the B&K I felt would do the job, at at the $6k, was a less expensive way to go, and with B&K's reputation, felt I would have a great product. What turned be off to buying from both local dealers was:

1) Would not take even $ 1.00 off of retail price, not even on a $ 6,000 sale.

2) When I requested in writing on the sales contract that if the B&K would not handle the Axiom speaker system, both dealers backed out of the sale, stating unless they could install the B&K system, and use one of their speaker lines, they could give that kind of a return policy.

So I thanked both dealers for their time and headed home. Made a phone call to Good Guys to see if the sales person I dealt with when purchasing my 5.1 sound and the video system for my workshop that I built about 18 months ago, happened to be working. He was and told me it was no problem for me take over the Parasound auditioning room for a few hours. So grabbed about a dozen disks, one of my roomies, and off I went

First impressions when walking into the Halo room, they meant the aesthetic requirement, they look like something that would be in a professional set up, the external heat sinks are on the sides and the rear and yes, were warm to the touch well they were not even running any audio or video.

The speakers they were using for my demo time were all the Energy line, about $ 8,500 worth between the fronts, center, surrounds and rears. The Veritas i's were great looking speakers, and made a statement , the fronts were V2.3i's, surrounds/rears were the V2.ORi's, the center, V2.OCi, sub was a Velodyne PS-10.

We helped close the four sets of double glass doors, were told the Denon cd player was all set, and to feel free to run the Halo's any sound level I wanted, the sales person left the room, and that was the last we seen of him for the next two hours.

The Veritas speakers are nice speakers, just a different sound, for lack of a better word, not as forward as my M80's. The Halos performed great, and yes, they did get warmer well I ran high volumes, but not to the point that I could not touch any area of either the A51 or A21.

Was difficult to make a great evaluation of the sound quality of the Halo's after listening to the M80's for week, the Veritas were just not the same. ;-) But was good enough to sell me on the sound quality of the Halo system. Did look for the reported hum, of course it was not present.

After listening to the Halo's for over two hours, and not being able to cause a heat problem at all for the Halo's, packed up the cd's, thanked the sales person and told them I would get back to them with a decision.

Returned home, and well listening to the Axioms, went through my list of requirements, and
decided that I was going to just spend the extra amount over the B&K, and gamble on my feeling that the Parasound is what I wanted, and that I would be most happy with for all of my requirements.

Back to the store, and after an hour of talking about delivery times, and cost, managed to get them down a grand, and had it in writing that if the Halos can not drive my Axioms at the listening levels and for the run time I plan on using the system for, they will be returned for 100% refund, no questions or arguments.

Also I learned that Good Guys have 60 stores, and the A51,A21, and the C1 is the top line system for all of the stores, Parasound produces them on a need basis, so I will have a week or two wait for them to arrive. Another one of my sale term agreements was that they will contact some Halo customers and see if they are willing to call me and recommend the Halos.

I was told by the sales team in this store that yes, like any electronic equipment, Halo's do have issues, but they are solved, and they have not yet had a customer demand returning the Paraound units for another product or refund.

So I returned home less $ 9,600 of money, and now waiting for the new toys to arrive. I took some pics of the new cabinet that is still being finished up with wiring, and the pull lut shelf for the M80 center channel. Did some playing with the photos, and put the Halo set up in it to see how it will work, pics are below.

Any and all input will be appreciated, pro or con. ;-) Thanks for all the help and support over the Outlaw issue, nice to have people to talk with that have experience in this expensive hobby. ;-)

New cabinet as it is today :

With the new Halo's in place:

Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83186 02/27/05 09:53 PM
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Haven't got a single "con" to mention.

First. I heartily support your decision "to change some priorities, and start doing more things just for (yourself)." I don't know your age, but I suspect you're somewhere in my neighborhood (59). One of the things I actually LIKE about getting older, is being just a bit more comfortable in my own skin. I've reached the point where I'm more able to forgive my weaknesses and faults. I still try to control them, and try not inflict them on others, but I've abandoned punishing myself because of them. The time left is too short to be beating myself over the head with remorse. So what you see is, pretty much, what you get.

You've gone through, to say the least, an eye opening experience. I think classifying an up close and personal encounter with your own mortality as "eye opening" is reasonable, don't you? Equally reasonable is that experience leaving you with the desire to do a bit more for yourself. I wholeheartedly agree that you should do just that.

I have long drooled over the Halos. I've never heard or seen them in action, but IMHO they are among the handsomest pieces of equipment available. I have a raging case of equipment envy.

What a wonderful experience with the store. I wish I had a place near me that would just put me in the room and then leave me on my own for two hours. And, their agreeing to take them back if you have any problems is icing on the cake. We don't have Good Guys here in Ohio. Drat!

Be sure to let us know how it goes when you get them set up and running. More pics, too.


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Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83187 02/27/05 10:18 PM
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Those things are gorgeous. Congrats! I really hope they work out for you.

Man, I hope I can get that zen attitude without having a heart attack! You're doing ok now?

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!
Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83188 02/27/05 10:19 PM
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Jack - yup, have hit the nail on the head in what you say, and ya, I'll be 55 on 6/18, so I have become a more short patience and do as I wish.

I have dealt with the Good Guys over the years and have always had a positive feeling walking out the door after a sale, and they do sell the many of the Halo's, but seldom one for a 7.1 system, so a $10k sale does get attention, and also when I walked in, they knew I was serious, and not just listening and wishing.

When I was discussing price, they had figured out that yes I loved the system, yes they were very impressive looking, and ya I wanted them. But it was going to be at my price, if not, I could walk out the door and by something else. To get that a grand off of Halos, it had to be okayed by the manager, nice guy but we started out at about an $800 differance in what I wanted to pay after thier first discount, they cane down 600, I went up 400, so when said and done, I got them for the price I wanted with sales tax. It was getting close to thier limit, as they were ready to let me leave ratehr than come down any more. Also these are not stock items, so not like they are worried about inventory tax and have to move them, they are ordered once sold, but still need to make X amount of profit.

I'm happy, they are happy, and if I have problems, they will be there for me with no bs. ;-)

Thanks for the post, and I'll update as soon as those puppies arrive and are in place.


PS: I do strongly suggest not to even look at them at a dealer, they seem to jump out and say 'take me home" LOL

Last edited by Tharkun; 02/27/05 10:25 PM.
Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83189 02/27/05 10:25 PM
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I am drooling over the right side of that cabinet!!!

I have read that the Halos get pretty warm.....have you had any heat issues?

Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83190 02/27/05 10:37 PM
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Thanks for asking, and ya, was back to normal after about 72 hours, but to make doctors happy, took it easy for a week or so, which worked out, gave me time to research amps.

Just for peoples general knowledge, the heart attack did not even feel like what I would have expected. Had a pain in shoulders about an hour before bed, but had been doing some painitng for a neighbor, on a ladder, stretching, so the sore shoulders made sense.

About an hour and a half after going to bed, woke up, tightness in the chest, sweating, no temperature, so was getting up and headiung for the medacine cabinet for a Bayer. ;-)

One of my roomies had ran down to the puter and checked online and that confirmed it, was a heart attack. Off to the emergencxy room a few miles away. Docs all said that I had minmal damage done becasue of having the brain to do a simple thing like taking a Bayer asprin, and not delay in going to the hospital. So all in all, I was lucky, and can now go broke on Halo stuff. <g>

Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83191 02/27/05 10:42 PM
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Curtis -

Don't have them yet, will arrive in a week or two, the pic was tweaked using Gimp software. ;-) But the demo units well warm, were not any where the temps on the Outlaw 770 when at the same volume level.

Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83192 02/27/05 11:08 PM
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It sure looks like your gonna have yourself a hell of a set up.I really enjoy 2 M80s, it must be awsome to have 5 running plus a Ep 600.Congrats on the new gear.

I sure do wish ya well with your health.


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud

Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83193 02/27/05 11:13 PM
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I guess I paid more attention to the pictures than your post!

The Halos look great!!!

Re: Final decision is Parasound
#83194 02/27/05 11:17 PM
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Thanks Rick, and right now, no one is taking my five M80's away for no reaon, and if the Halos perform as I expect, I should not have to invest money in amps or speakers again, hope not, I can't afford it. <g>

Last edited by Tharkun; 02/27/05 11:19 PM.
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