I think I got the woman sold on getting the 60's. My Vega's are large. 19" wide, 19" deep, 36" tall, and 90lbs. She loves the Axiom's look, but even more she likes how their only 9" wide. It makes her living room look larger
Hey, whatever works right
It'll be a while, but it looks like I'll sell the CV's, and get the 60's. Hope Axiom's free shipping is permanent because without it I'll be screwed. I also have a future bar that will need some smaller bookshelves around it, so i have some more money to save up apparantly.
Before I get the 60's though, i need to get my center and surrounds. I think I'm only going 5.1 for now. Maybe 6.1. how much material out there takes advantage of 6.1/7.1? And with 6.1, am I better off getting a Qs8 for the center, or getting a real center channel?
Now, back to the 80's.
I'll get some pics soon.
The shipping boxes were damaged pretty good. Looked like someone was poking holes in them for handles. I'm surprised something that size doesn't have some sort of hole in it for handles actually because they were very awkward to lift. One side had a large hole in the outside box, and it also went through the inside box. This had me scared to death. I opened everything up, and sure enough even the plastic in that area was torn, but I can't see any damage.
Another corner on the boxes was also worn through. There is a little mark on the corner of one 80, but it's the size of a pen mark so I'm not crying.
Considering these were factory outlet speakers, I'm astonished. I could not go to the local hifi store and get speakers in this good condition. fantastic.
I sat down from 5pm to 11pm listening to everything I had. Even yanked out the old 80's music, def lepard, ac/dc, metallica, some old pop stuff the woman likes. It all sounded great.
Granted, feed the 80's a crappy source, and you'll get crap out. But any speaker that has this much detail and clarity, or bright as some say, will do just that because they won't hide anything. As funny as this sounds, that is exactly what I was looking for.
the bass is still blowing me away. Granted, it doesn't hit as low as my CV's, at least I don't think so because sometimes is sure seems like they do. I find myself actually turning back the bass more with these then I ever have. it can get boomy as you crank the bass but nothing compared to some speakers I've heard.
My only complaint, and it has nothing to do with sound, is about the grills. they are thin and flimsy (spelling?). I almost feel like I am going to crack them when putting them on. granted, they look fine when on. But why cover these gorgeous things up anyways. Even the woman had to admit she was impressed with the dual woofs, mids, and tweeters.
But, all good things must come to an end. I had to turn it all off fow now. People like to sleep around here sometimes. I think I pissed my neighbors off enough for one night anyways.
Many people around here helped me make this decision to go with the 80's. I say thank you to all, and the Axiom staff. Fantastic family here.