The Studio 40s are really nice speakers. Everyone I know who has auditioned them said good things about them. The 40s and the 100s are the best of the Studio line IMO.

Roughly speaking, the M22s (in the same room) would be a bit more forward, comparable soundstage (I think it would be tough to pick a winner), with quite a bit less output in the bass below 80 Hz.

I would be real happy with Studio 40s. If I had to choose I would put them slightly ahead of M22s although I have never had a chance to directly compare them. The M22s are far ahead of the Monitor 7s. Two of my friends now have started looking at Monitor 3/5/7, made the mistake of listening to Studio 40s, become unhappy with the Monitor speakers, and ended up buying M22s. I was really hoping one of them would get the Paradigms so I could A/B them

If you like the Studio 40s then you will like the M22s, assuming you have a sub. If you are running "stereo only" without a sub then you probably would miss the deeper bass of the Studio 40s.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8