I was visiting a friend in Florida last month who was in the final stages of rebuilding a home which had been levelled by Hurricane Charley and he was looking for help with a multipurpose large HT/living room. Because of his layout and use of floor to ceiling vista windows the only place for speakers was on a 8 ft high ledge which he had built for aesthetic reasons around the entire room. The mainroom was 14ft high x 30 ft long by 18 ft wide and open to another series of rooms.

After much discussion, I recommended he consider 7 M22s mounted around the room on the ledge, pointed down to the listening area with full metal brackets and a pair of EP500s on the floor along the side-walls. To be sure we called Axiom and I'm glad we did because Ian's recommendation was three VP150s up front and four QS8s for the side and rears all wall mounted on the ledge and pointed down at the listening area. For this peculiar setup he was concerned about phase problems with an array of seven M22s on the same plane and preferred the wider dispersion of the VP150s and the large soundfield of the QS8s. My lucky friend is also going to pick up the new amp to drive the speakers. I'm looking forward to heading back next month to help him with the installation and listen to this system.
