You're making it too complex Fred, we're not doing Fourier Transforms here.

I'm sure that the sub would do just as well on the initial attack as the mains (if the sub was capable of the initial attack frequency, which it is not), but if it is turned up too high then the lower frequencies are amplified so much that they seem to overtake everything else. It just seems boomy.

I think the key is to adjust your sub to match (and not overcompensate) the mains. Thus, they approach the line that the mains drew, and fill in the colors (inside the line) deeper than the mains are capable of producing.

Think of it this way. The mains could fill in the picture with color, but as you get closer and closer to the center of the picture (the lower bass), the color becomes more and more pale. The subs have a more intense color, and are able to approach the center of the picture with more color than the mains. The key is to load-up just enough paint on the subs such that the color is as intense as it can be at the line, without crossing the line.

Last edited by SRoode; 05/11/08 06:50 PM.

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