Jason, the point Alan makes in his excellent article has been discussed here in the past and it's been pointed out that the lowest bass notes, which are played by a sub, are inherently slow and in no way can be described as "tight", regardless of the quality of the sub. Any tightness in the sound of a musical instrument playing a very low note, say in the 40-50Hz area, is due entirely to the upper harmonics which are played by the speakers, not the sub. As Alan again points out, a good demonstration of this is to listen to music containing a lot of low bass material through the sub alone, by disconnecting the speakers while keeping the settings the same as if all speakers were active. With a crossover in the 60-80Hz area(possibly steepened by also setting the sub's internal low pass filter to about the same frequency)what's heard certainly can't be described as "tight", "musical" etc.


Enjoy the music, not the equipment.