Originally Posted By: sirquack
Shane, amps don't "sound" they amplify the signal.

But isn't an amp that adds zero sound over the original signal impossible? Every capacitor, every circuit, does something to the sound. If so, the question is audible change. The sound of an amp, as the uninformed like me use the term, is the noise added to the original signal. But does THD tell that tale in absolute terms in terms of audible change. It may. I'm not saying it doesn’t, I'm just surprised that a cheap amp with .05 THD sounds the same as a high quality amp with .05 THD.

I'm happy if it is true. My use of 12v amps for years just tells me the spec sheets don't tell the whole story. I have not tried near as many home amps, so I, again, am not saying the position is wrong. Just don't understand it I guess. I know, books are available - but I want it spoon fed for free. I am American...

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire