That's what I find so frustrating. I don't think all amps/AVR sound the same just b/c they have the same specs. The science background crowd says they are all the same as a matter of physics. But if that is true, then there must a be a measure - current , THD, Widgetifaction - I don't know. Maybe I'll go dig into Byrston v. Sony or something to look for variation. I did note the other day that Integra lists the current capacity of its AVRs, and you can see a change from 36A to 70+A even when the watts moves only a bit. I checked Denon and they don't give the same kind of data. maybe that is a key spec for comparison.

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire