Daffy, the 1PB 12 will be MORE than sufficient. What I am suggesting is that you may be looking at too much sub (if there is such a thing ) and might save a few $$.

To answer your question - when I spoke to Eric at SVS he explained that the cylinder is a bit more efficient than a box, but the difference isn't enough to wring your hands. I ultimately decided on the cylinder because of my room and the furniture I have. The box would have akward to place, but the cylinder fit very nicely behind a chair/in a corner. I also liked the look of the cylinder and it's ability to spark conversation. Really boils down to a matter of personal choice.

Spent quite a bit of time discussing the 20-39 vs. the 25-31 with Eric. The 20-39 goes lower and I wanted to capture all of the LFE I could. The 25-31 has more headroom, but it seemed to me that louder is only important if you are going to crank it and try to peel the paint off the wall. Hence, the 20-39. In my room, it is more than enough sub and I have not even come close to pushing it to its limits.