Chess, I hear what you are saying. In both of those posts Ian states that the VP150 TWWWT layout eliminates lobing along the lateral axis, although he doesn't say how. I don't have a good explanation for how that would work -- it seems to me that having more drivers would actually make lobing MORE of an issue, not less.

Maybe in 10 years everyone will be advertising "Colquhoun layout" centers and mains. We can only hope.

Alan / Ian, if it's not "proprietary IP" and you see this thread any chance of giving us a hint why the VP150 gets rid of lobing ? There might be a VP150 in my future if that's the case.

There are very few albums where lobing is noticeable on a regular center (VP100 in my case) but being a fan of older Genesis I seem to own most of them. You need a passage with a single, relatively pure, relatively hign frequency tone for some period of time, with the listener moving around the room while the tone is playing -- a.k.a. Steve Hackett on most of the early Genesis albums while I am doing anything other than planting my butt in the sweet spot.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8