chess, I think you would approve - it's a locally-brewed (5 miles from my house ) brown ale. Odd in that it is distinctly herbal, very yeasty, over hopped for the style, but still good; smooth, sweet and clean. And cheap - $50 for 7.9 gallons.

Saturn, thanks for the suggestions. Pulling them out that far from the wall is an impossibility. They have a good 18"-24" currently, which is more than my M60s had due to their greater depth. The ceilings are 9', room carpeted, walls irregular except the back wall.
Too much bass hasn't been a problem. In fact, the S8s seem to have much less bass in my house than they did in the store - I'm wondering if the S10s would have been a better choice. But the mids are very good - better than they were in the store. I will experiment with the plugs, though, and see what happens.

I hope I'm not giving the impression that I am disappointed with the S8s - they're really very, very nice.