Bren, I can't disagree with anything ya said there.

Again, I think it's a great effort. And I DID throw that cheap player out!

That's because - whatever number of errors in a row or per track or weak DAC or whatEVER it takes - there was no doubt that (during the musical conditions I described before)I could hear a difference between THAT player, and my XCD88.

I'm not saying it's a $2000 difference - but the better hardware, a hefty case, some cool features, etc., and the very subtle but better sound - it IS worth $200 more - to me!

Chess - I agree with the "grains of sand" thing too. I'm not one of those people either. But - while those moments of music are rare for you, perhaps, they are common for me. That IS what I listen to - as much Mozart as Metallica. I'm fairly diverse.

One random point to ponder - nothing cracks me up more than an "audiophile" in my house picking on "sonic discrepancies" that can't tell me if a piano or guitar is out of tune, or if the singer was on pitch.

"Strive for better quality recordings..." Absolutely. Without that, nothing else matters. I have no interest in accurately reproducing other people's mistakes!

Anyway - I still think it's a cool idea - thanks for the effort.