Hello Everyone! First time writing here but have been reading for quite some time. Some very interesting commentary. Here's a suggestion for those still questioning the merits of one speaker cable brand or type, over another. Don't mean to open the "can of worms" here again; I recognize we'll all think what we will about this, and that's fine! But here's something to try, if just for fun... Connect your speakers normally, with your usual cables, whatever they are. Assuming you have a Spkr. A and a Spkr. B output option on your receiver / amp, connect to Spkr. A, us usual. Then, connect the cable you'd like to compare to the Spkr. B output terminals. Both cable are connected to speakers in the normal way; if possible e.g., spades and bananas, but BOTH cables hooked up to the speakers. (Observing polarity, of course.) Then, playing whatever source material you like, simply toggle between "Spkr. A" and "Spkr. B' with your remote, but BEING CAREFUL NOT TO ENGAGE BOTH SPKRS. A AND B! In this way, you can instantly compare the two cables without even the slightest time-lag or change of any other variables; everything but the cables stays the same. I've yet to hear any difference in any cables I've connected, but that's not to say you won't! A fun experiment though and could save some serious $$! Have fun!