Well, the plot thickens...

I checked Panasonic.com, and sure enough, they show a two-BD movie mail-in offer. (I was there a couple of days ago and didn't see it, so it must be a newish promo). Amazingly, I just told Joyce a couple of hours ago that the first two movies I'd likely buy would be Nightmare Before Christmas and Ratatouille, and those are the two movies being offered.... AMAZING COINCIDENCE!

But here's the thing: The rebate form says in fine print on the bottom: "Store receipts must emanate from same
state as consumer." There was a bit of talk of this on the AVS forum, but nothing definitive. Has anyone ever heard of a rebate that forces you to buy local?

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::