Sorry if I wasn't clear.

I was trying to say that the paired cables are really two single RCA cables that just happen to be connected together by their cable jackets. They don't actually know that they are typically used in a L+R pair.

So it's not that L+R correspond to SW and center, it's just that they each need a single RCA connection and it does not matter whether you use a paired R/L cable or two single cables.

As long as the RCA cable connected on the source (example the red cable connected to the center out on the DVD) corresponds to the input on the receiver (the other end of the red cable connected to the Ext In section), you'll get the correct sound out of the correct speakers. To extend the example, you could just as easily swap the cables and make the white cable connect on both ends (center out and center in), and you'd get the same result.

More clear now or did I muddy the waters further?


Epic 80-800: HG Cherry