Okay so I am back with another question, I have the Onkyo Tx sr 575 receiver which can't handle to audio over HDMI. It has multichannel analog inputs. I am looking at the new Panasonic BD55 to enjoy the new audio formats over multichannel. My TV is a 50 inch Panasonic PZ85. The following question is strickly for audio, not video. For the time being due to they way the room is laid out I just have the front 3 speakers hooked up which I watch with Onkyo's theatre dimensional setting where it feels like surround sound and it's not to bad. I know to enjoy the new HD audio at its best I would need to finish my setup and make it so it is a 7.1 setup adding 4 more speakers and a sub. Since that is not my case right now, can you still enjoy the new formats just as well with say just a 5.1 setup or like mine for now a 3 speaker setup? Would I notice a difference in sound quality with the new formats from just my three speakers or from just a 5.1 setup as opposed to a regular DD or DTS soundtrack? Am I better off waiting until I get my 5 or 7 .1 setup completed to worry about the new audio formats or just buy a new receiverw hich handles HDMI audio and go with a Blu ray player with just HDMI and no multichannel inputs? I'm looking for the best way to spend my money here and utilize what I have. I like the reciever as it pairs well with my Paradigm Monitor 11 v5 and the matching center channel, but now I wish I would have opted for the 605 or equivalent so I wouldn't have to be in this mess. The salesman didn't help me too much as I didn't realize at the time even though the reciever has HDMI, it does not support the new audio even if its decoded in the disc player and then sent out. Kind of feel like I wasted my money now.

Panny 50"PZ85u, Anthem MRX510, Emotiva UPA7, Monitor Audio Silver 8, Centre, FX, HTPC, PS4