Thank you folks for your replies -- lots to think about here.

Casey - I think this would be an interesting thread idea. A comprehensive list of all the A/V companies that adhere to this new business model and which are, as a result, typically shunned by the A/V magazines. I love my new Oppo BDP-83, and have now started to look at Outlaw and Emotiva per your mentions. And I really do love my Axioms -- I just can't seem resist the urge to tinker.

KCarlile - I was of two minds after reading your reply. One - a second sub is starting to feel like a really good idea. Two - I think I am jealous of your 40hz crossover....

John - No way I am going to be able to get two subs into opposite middle side walls or opposite corners. We just invested in new furniture (including a large leather sectional) that makes this impossible. Was hoping that having one sub at middle side wall and another in the corner opposite would suffice. I know there are a lot of factors at work here, but do you think that is worth trying? Or would a single sub (perhaps even upgrading my EP175 to an EP400) be a better idea?

As far as Dolby PLII, I have never really give this technology a fair shot before this evening. Just discovered that there are settings for center image, width, dimension, etc. After playing around with it for the last couple of hours, I must admit, it sounds shockingly good! This really does come as a surprise to me. Perhaps I have been paying to much attention to the HiFi magazines, most of which have a bias towards full-range 2ch setups.

