Thanks for the reply, Alan.

Had an interesting chat with the local Arcam distributor today. Very nice guy. Works out of his home and does it mostly, he says, for fun.

He has an AVR600 in his basement listening room. At Arcam training, they told him to emphasize two main selling points: 1) class g amp (he explained it as class a below 35 watts, then switched to class d above) and 2) extremely low jitter over hdmi. He said it was his new reference, replacing an Anthem. His only criticism of the Arcam was that its automated setup was not as good as his Anthem's.

I see jitter specs measured in picoseconds for lots of devices, but have never seen any definitive statement about what threshold constitutes audible jitter (only that less is good). Do you by any chance have a number in mind?

Also, just read two of your articles ("Loosen Up, Stereo Devotees—You Just Might Prefer Music in 5.1!", and "Stereo's Intrinsic Flaw: Why Multiple Channels Are Better"). Am still trying to picture a 10.2 setup! \:o Anyway, thanks for the explanations, and for whetting my appetite to learn more. Towards that end, I just ordered Dr. Toole's "Sound Reproduction - Loudspeakers and Rooms" from Amazon.

As far as subwoofers go, am hoping to order at least one EP400 to go with my EP175 (or perhaps two, in which case I have an office I can relocate the EP175 to). Am first going to play around with positioning the EP175 and my old Def Tech ProSub 80 to see if my less-than-optimal location choices have any chance of working.

Thanks again!
