I am also in the wait awhile later camp. The Consumer Electronics show opens in Las Vegas in two days and there should be significant news on this front with major technology improvments this year and next.

I also agree that CRT sets still offer the best picture. They are however very heavy and bulky 34"s and up.

A front projector and screen should fit your budget if you get one of the recommended lower priced units. As I believe Snippy said, the infocus X1 comes well recomended, will take an HDTV signal but will not display it at full HDTV resolution. The other unit around $1500 plus screen is the Panasonic ?300? (can't recall the exact model). If you're interested in a front projector go the the projectorcentral.com website and do some research.

LCoS projection is just coming to market and appears to hold great promise for good afforadable sets but its probably going to be a year before they are a really smart buy.

The best picture I have seen yet on a projection set I would want to own is the Samsung DLP HLN467. It is a 46' set around $3800. At $1200 I would go for it. The 43" HLN437 set is about $500 less and about the same size physically. I think these are early adopter prices that will drop by half or more on improved models in the coming year.
