I've been watching the TV market myself I've noticed the dramatic price drops in plasma sets, which is good, but if you look, they're still significantly higher than any other technology, because all the other technologies have been dropping in price as well!

I guess it's a good thing for us consumers, but TV's, or A/V in general seems to be rapidly becoming just like the computer industry. Yeah, you can "wait and see", but will the price drops and technology advances ever end? When is the right time? Prices continue to drop, and newer, better technologies continue to be released.

Perhaps you should do what I do when buying a computer. Buy the best you can afford right now, and immediately stop looking/reading about them. If you do, you'll just wish you'd waited that little bit longer. There's always going to be something better, something cheaper.

(Yes, I'm fully aware that this post completely contradicts my previous post suggesting to wait and see.)