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“Subwoofers: Optimum Number and Locations”, Todd Welti, Harman International.

Being pithy, Todd says that 4 subwoofers are enough.They're in different locations from what you posted in 2021, and maybe it's worth a couple of weekends trying them out.

He modeled 5 and even 5000 subwoofers in the same rectangular room, but 4 effectively gets you there. There have been several loudspeaker designers (including Axiom's Ian) who've rehashed 4 as the magic number for multiple seating positions, but they might all be citing Todd's work.

I don't mind experimenting. I moved the sofa and lounge chair back to the natural layout of the room, which meant everyone sat off-center from the TV. So I switched the location of the sub and the TV+3 front channels for a couple of months. It was an audio step backwards with some undesirable wall reflections and the loss of 6 dB of subwoofer corner gain (effectively requiring 4x the amplifier power to maintain the same listening volume), so I reverted it last week.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"