Thinking about doing better on aligning & integrating my 4 subs. After researching and playing around with this a bit I see 4 ways of going …

  • Continue to doing what I’m doing … which is level matching front and back sub pairs and letting Audyssey cal front and back pairs as two subs.
  • learn the more sophisticated AudioTools tools and/or check out REW to level & time align the subs by hand … all 4 subs by hand or just better align the front and back pairs and continue letting Audyssey cal front to back
  • Buy a new prepro which supports 4 subs and let it auto cal them
  • Buy a external DSP and use REW/MSO (Multi-Sub Optimizer) to level & time align the subs and then run Audyssey treating them as a single sub

The 1st & 2nd options are fairly time consuming … for my own understanding I plan on learning more about AudioTools and REW but when one considers the number of times you might need to recal …anything that takes more than 30 minutes starts to get old fast. Running an 8 point Audyssey already takes about this … more if you start playing the Audyssey, REW, Audyssey One and/or the MSO game … Buying a new prepro is expensive but considering the cost of your time it might pay for itself … the only prepro on my list at the moment is the AV10 and that would set me back a least $5500 usd if I went refurbished! The last option I’m considering partially because I might have to add an external DSP anyway to drive my shakers. Perhaps I can extend the life of the 8805 and use it to align the 4 subs too. I looked into the mini-DSP but to get balanced inputs and output we’re talking over $600 for 4 channels and $1k for 8. Older and not as high-end is the Behringer DCX2496le (6 channel). At $330 it might be an option.

I figure some of you may have a thought or two on this …