Take a look at the Yamaha DVD-C750.
Multi Play, DVD, DVD-A, SACD
List is $365, you should be able to do better.
Good review here;
(somebody will come along and tidy that up...)
Very nice player. I like mine quite a bit.
At that price it seems kind of silly to leave SACD/DVD-A on the table.
Of course, that is if your current reciever is already configured for the 6 analog inputs required for SACD/DVD-A.
But even if it is not, you are going to buy a new reciever sooner or later, right?

Ah, just saw the 2 channel note...
And I am guessing that is why you were asking if the SACD/DVD-A was worth it.
I am sure that I will get shouted down by many here, but I actually think that the SACD/DVD-A option is well worth it, even if you are just going to listen in 2 channel.
TO ME, the saturation, depth, clarity, soundstage, ect. of the high rez formats is a noticable improvement over Redbook CDs, even in 2 channel.
(let the shouting begin- just give me a minute to go get my helmet!)
I actually spend MORE time listening to SACD/DVD-A in 2 channel than multi-channel, and have bought several SACDs that are only 2 channel recordings. The two Los Lobos on Mobile Fidelity Labs are very, very good, and the two Bill Evans Live from the Village Vanguard are great.

On the other side of the argumant, there will be plenty who will present very convincing arguments, based on the science of digital reproduction and digital transmission, why your 15 year old player is every bit as good as anything that you can buy today, and in some cases, better.

Let the shouting begin.

Axioms; For when you've just Gotta have More Cowbell! 60s 150 350 8s 2is RX-V2500 DVD-C750 2900