I just noticed a mistake, by ommission, in my above post.
For SACD/DVD-A playback, even in 2 channel, you are STILL going to need a reciever with the dedicated 6 channel analog inputs.
Hmmm... Now that I am typing this, I wonder if this is strictly true.
Has anyone out there tried to hook up just the Front left and Front right analog outputs from an SACD/DVD-A player to regular analog inputs on a reviever? And then chosen the 2 channel stereo option in the set up choices on the DVD-A or scrolled to the "stereo" choice in their SACD playback options?
The switching happens at the player, not the processor, correct?
Hmmm... a possible loophole for someone interested in the added resolution of SACD/DVD-A, but not interested in multi-channel playback and adding a new reciever and three more speakers to their 2 channel set up?

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