In reply to:

It's been my experience that people who call Axioms "bright" tend to be idiots.Around these parts they use the word "tinny".

Then call me an idiot as I'm one of those people or idiots as you call them who found in particular the M80's a little on the "In Your Face" or "Bright" side.

In reply to:

If you like dull the Axioms won't be for you,if clear and accurate is your thing you'll love them.

Really? Ever heard the M50's or the M3's or are you just guessing that all Axioms sound the same? Have you owned them all? I have.......... with the exception of the M60's and based on your comment you are implying that every Axiom speaker made is clear and accurate and more or less sounds the same. I got news for you, the M50 and the M80 sound nothing at all alike. Nor do the M3's and M22's that I have sitting 5 feet away from me as I type this..............and I can go on but you get my point.

Be careful when throwing around the term idiot as you are blanketing a fair number of people with an idiotic statement who are anything but idiots.